UE Forest Fires, risks and management - Level 1

From particle to pyrogeography : understanding of vegetation fire phenomena.

This course presents the basic concepts and methods for studying past and present fire regimes in the world in relation to global change. The physical chemistry and ecology of fire will be taught by integrating all spatial scales from the twig to the regional scale. The objectives are to understand the components that define a fire regime as well as the study methods to characterize ecosystems and their past and present fire regimes.

The diversity of ecosystems as well as their functioning and responses to fire will be studied. Tutorials will be based on the most widely used models in the world to explore the links between ecosystems, fires and global changes, as well as on the analysis and exploitation of data, especially spatial data. The impacts of past and present fire regimes will initiate the general reflection common to the fire TU targeting the integrated management of fires with the aim of sustainable development of ecosystems by societies increasingly exposed to fire risk.

Informations pratiques

Niveau de diplôme

  • Formation Continue
  • Diplôme de l'EPHE SVT

Nombre d'ECTS


